
Clases particulares.

Clases particulares en Asturias

Native English Teacher

Native English Teacher

Private classes: B1- B2- CI- C2, CAMBRIDGE- YOUNG LEARNERS (KIDS) IELTS GMAT. COST: 15 EUROS/HR. GMAT: 20 EUROS/HR. Area covered: Oviedo- Mieres-Gijon-Aviles.


Precio: 15€

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Clases particulares en Asturias

Native English Teacher.

Native English Teacher.

Clases particulares: Learn English at home with a native. All levels: B2 C1 C2 TOEFL IELTS GMAT I teach private lessons in the confort of your home. I also prvide the material and handouts. My specialty is fast learning, except for GMAT, which requires more time. GMAT requires a text book that can be obtained through the internet and it has to be the 2015 edition (mire complete) Clases particulares en el comforte de su casa. Proveo el material y documentos. El GMAT requiere mas tiempo de preparacion y un libro especifico del 2015 (muy completo) que se compra por el intetnet. El precio de GMAT es de 20€/hora


Precio: 15€

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